Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Poetry 4.2

Poetry 4.2
DO NOW: Where was your poet born?  When?

  • use technology to research the life of a poet
  • annotate poems and cite correctly

  1. do now
  2. PURPLE: Vocab 13
  3. PURPLE: Discuss ORB
  4. Review your biography articles as a group. Decide what the most important parts are and make sure they are bullet points in the shared google doc.
  5. Research your poet’s poetry.  Find FIVE POEMS and copy and paste them into your google doc (include poem titles and URL addresses!). Read/annotate ALL FIVE-- include a summary sentence AND tone word.
  6. Review imitation poem assignment
  7. Summarizer

HW: Annotate All five poems for THURSDAY
Poetry Quiz on FRIDAY
Imitation poem due MONDAY

Monday, February 27, 2017

Poetry 4.1

Do Now: Sit with your poetry group member(s)

  • understand the requirements of the poetry project
  • read the poet descriptions and at least two poems by at least five different poets.

1. Do now
2. Poetry Quiz Review Sheet (5 minutes)
3. Introduce the poetry project: Download "Poetry Project" handout
4 . Selection: pick a poet out of a bag!
5. Create a google doc and share with all members of group-- name the doc "Poetry Project [Poet name]
5. Find ONE biography per member of your group

HW:Annotate biography. Share important biographical information in the shared google document. Poetry terms quiz on FRIDAY

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Poetry Thursday

do now: study for vocab for 5 minutes


  • demonstrate mastery of vocabulary words
  • work effectively as a group to create a poem
  • use the drafting process to draft a poem around a central image/metaphor
1. do now
2. Vocab quiz
3. Poetry groups: get into your assigned groups and pick a topic
4. Round robin poetry writing:
  • each member write the topic on top of a sheet of paper
  • each member has 2 minutes to draft one line of a poem
  • rotate the paper to your right
  • continue your peer's poem by writing a second line
  • (continue)
5. Individual: draft poem # 3 in packet
6. summarizer

HW: finish "The Fish" graphic organizer for FRIDAY

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Poetry 3.4

Poetry 3.4
Do now: Write a 3 line poem about winter. Include tactile imagery

  • Peer edit poems
  • Read and annotate a conceit poem
  • Identify central theme of conceit poem

  1. Do now
  2. PINK: Define week 12 vocab words
  3. Read “The Fish” (poetry packet page 20)
  4. Table groups: answer discussion questions
  5. Review Graphic Organizer for Conceit Poems
  6. Individual: complete chart
  7. Summarizer

HW: Vocab quiz on THURSDAY. Finish chart for FRIDAY-- you will draft the paragraph in class on FRIDAY.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Poetry 3.3

Poetry 3.3
Do now: Create flashcards for weeks 10 and 11 vocab

  • Listen to “The Raven”
  • Define vocab words
  • Create a poem about a social issue using one central image

  1. Do now
  2. Orange and Pink: Vocab week 12
  3. Listen: listen and read along to Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven”
  4. Socrative: did you like “The Raven”?  Why/why not?
  5. Draft: Social justice poem (poem #3 in poetry packet)
  6. Summarizer

HW: Finish drafting poem

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Poetry 3.2

Poetry 3.2
Do now: Write the title of your poem above your poem.  Take a screenshot of the poem and upload it to your student folder in Google drive

  • close read poems
  • annotate poems for figurative language (imagery), theme, and meaning
  • define vocabulary words

  1. Do now
  2. PURPLE ONLY: Vocab week 12
  3. Poetry packet: Metaphor- “strange fruit” and remake
  4. Answer packet questions (pages 17 and 18)
  5. Socrative: Describe a day at school using only metaphors (at least 3 sentences)
  6. Summarizer

HW: Finish answering packet questions

Monday, February 6, 2017

Poetry 3.1

Poetry 3.1

Do now: Share your sensory detail paragraph with a partner.  Can they identify the 5 senses?

  • Create “found poetry”
  • Include sensory imagery in a poem draft

  1. Do now
  2. Found Poetry!  Packet page 16: Question 1 (5 minutes)
  3. Overview of found poetry assignment
  4. Create found poetry!
  5. Summarizer

HW: Draft a title for your found poem

Friday, February 3, 2017

Do now: Homework survey: HERE

Listen to Langston Hughes reading "Harlem"


  • read and annotate a poem
  • listen to a performance of a poem
  • identify imagery in a poem

1. do now
2. Class: review "Harlem" questions in packet
3. Listen to "Juicy"
4. Read/annotate Poem
5. Answer questions
6. Sensory imagery activity
7. Summarizer

HW: finish imagery activity 

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Poetry 2.2

DO now: share your poem with a partner. On your partner's paper: write 1 compliment and 1 suggestion for revision for the poem.  Extra credit: read your poem in front of the class


  • close read poems
  • annotate poems for figurative language (imagery), theme, and meaning
  • define vocabulary words
  • demonstrate understanding of vocabulary through creative writing

1. do now
2. Hand in ORB chart
3. Vocab Week 11
4. Create a paragraph short story using week 10 and week 11 words. Create in google drive and underline vocab words. (Orange and Pink only)
5. Conference with Ms. Santiago about course placement
6. Poetry Packet: "Harlem" by Langston Hughes
7. Imagery activity: Take one sensory image from "Harlem" and draw it!
8. Summarizer

HW: Finish answering "Harlem" questions