Showing posts with label Catcher in the Rye. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Catcher in the Rye. Show all posts

Friday, April 14, 2017

Catcher Essay 3

DO NOW: In Socrative, please list the three body paragraph topics.

LEARNING TARGET: I will be able to write good topic sentences.

LOOK FORS: I will know that I have hit the learning target when:
  • I know what my organizational method is.
  • I know what my glue words are.
  • I know how each group of quotes supports my thesis statement.

  1. DO NOW
  2. Review organizational methods, problems & solutions-- what goes in a body paragraph?
  3. Review Essay Process Step 6: Topic Sentences
  4. Outline self-evaluation checklist
  5. Summarizer: Check look-fors

HW: Revise your outline: revise your thesis statement, supporting details, and topic sentences as needed.  Draft THE FIRST BODY PARAGRAPH FOR MONDAY, APRIL 24th.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Catcher Essay 2

DO NOW: Please open “Catcher Essay." Read the directions and materials for steps 4-6.

LEARNING TARGET: I will be able to complete my essay outline.

LOOK FORS: I will know that I have hit the learning target when:
  • I understand steps 4-6
  • I know how to use the materials in the packet to complete my outline.

  1. DO NOW
  2. Discuss steps 4-6:
    • 4: Gathering details
    • 5: Organizing details into supporting ideas
    • 6: Writing topic sentences
  1. Outline working time/Teacher writing conference time
  2. Summarizer

HW: Work on your outline: revise your thesis statement as needed; add supporting quotations until you have at least 10-12 in your list; then, organize your details into three groups of three.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Catcher Essay 1

DO NOW:  Please take a copy of the “Catcher Essay” packet and read through the first few pages.

LEARNING TARGET: I will have a strong start to my essay outline.

LOOK FORS: I will know that I have hit the learning target when:
  • I have chosen an essay topic that I am interested in and understand.
  • I have used the checklist to self-evaluate my thesis statement.
  • I know how to find good supporting details for my essay.

  1. DO NOW:
  2. Activator: Review essay process - what are the 11 steps?
  3. “Catcher Essay” - Review and discuss steps 1-4
  4. Student working time:
    • Step 2: Choose your topic
    • Create a new document in Google Drive called “Catcher Essay”
    • Step 3: Write your thesis statement
    • Get your thesis statement approved by Ms. Santiago (via email!)
    • Begin Step 4: collect supporting evidence

  5. Summarizer: check look-fors

HW: Create a document in Drive called “Catcher Essay.” In your essay document, type your name and your thesis statement.

Monday, April 10, 2017


Do now: Review the definition of "motif"


  • identify the meaning of various motifs in the novel

1. do now
2. Motif groups!
3. Teams report out
4. Summaizer

HW: Pick an essential question to focus on for the essay

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Chapters 25-26
DO NOW:  please re-read pages 211-214

LEARNING TARGET: I will understand Holden’s central conflict, and I will be able to decide whether is has been resolved.

LOOK FORS: I will know that I have hit the learning target when:
  • I can identify Holden’s central conflict.
  • I can think of at least three examples of Holden struggling with this conflict throughout the book.
  • I can use evidence from the book to decide whether Holden’s conflict has been resolved.

  1. DO NOW
  2. Group Discussions
    1. Lit Circle
    2. Prompt for 25-26: Resolution:
      1. What is Holden's central conflict in the novel?
      2. By the end of the novel, do you think Holden has resolved his conflict? Consider the quotation: “The thing with kids is, if they want to grab for the gold ring, you have to let them do it, and not say anything.  If they fall off, they fall off, but it’s bad if you say anything to them” (Salinger 211).
  3. Download “Catcher in the Rye Reflection”

HW:  Please complete “Catcher in the Rye Reflection” in Google Drive

Monday, April 3, 2017

Catcher Chapters 20-24

Catcher Chapters 20-24

DO NOW:  Take the reading quiz in socrative

LEARNING TARGET: I will understand that the Mr. Antolini scene is ambiguous.

LOOK FORS: I will know that I have hit the learning target when:
  • I can give some evidence from the book that Mr. A is doing something inappropriate.
  • I can give some evidence from the book that Holden has misinterpreted the situation.
  • I can explain why this situation is so upsetting for Holden, regardless of Mr. A’s intentions.

  1. DO NOW - Reading quiz on 23-24. When done, please read silently
  2. Lit circles
  3. Group Discussions
    1. Select roles
    2. Prompt for 23-24: Mr. Antolini: The scene with Mr. Antolini is ambiguous, and often confusing for students. Is Mr. A doing something inappropriate? Or, has Holden misinterpreted the situation? Come up with evidence (quotes) and an argument for both sides.
  4. Summarizer: self-evaluation

HW:  Please read chapters 25-26 (to the end!) & complete your assigned lit circle responsibility

Friday, March 31, 2017

Catcher 3.4

Catcher 3.4
DO NOW:  In groups, please create FIVE multiple choice questions for chapters 17-20. Include FOUR possible multiple choice answers!

Objective: Students will be able to analyze Holden experiencing adolescence through depicting a scene in the form of a comic strip.

  1. DO NOW: Create a reading quiz!
  2. Catcher Comic Assignment (Download into Notability)
  3. Summarizer

HW:  Read chapters 17-24; complete assigned role for the “Lit Circle” according to the schedule for chapters 23-24.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Catcher 3.3

Catcher 3.3
DO NOW:  Study for vocab for 5 minutes

    • I will understand Holden’s difficult search for identity

  1. DO NOW: Study
  2. Vocab Quiz
  3. ORB
  4. In-class: read chapters 17-19
  5. Complete Lit Circle worksheets
  6. Summarizer

HW: Please read chapters 18-20; Answer the guided questions for 17-19 (separate worksheet found HERE)

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Catcher 3.2

Catcher 3.2
DO NOW:  Please take the reading quiz.  When done, please read Catcher in the Rye silently.

LEARNING TARGET: I will understand that Holden glass cases

LOOK FORS: I will know that I have hit the learning target when:
  • I can give an example

  1. DO NOW: Reading quiz
  2. Literature Circles (6 minutes)
  3. Group Discussion: assign roles
    1. Group discussion: Glass Cases: (15 minutes)
Holden says, “Certain things they should stay the way they are.  You ought to be able to stick them in one of those big glass cases and just leave them alone” (122).  Please consider this passage as you work together to answer the following:
  • Explain the context of the quotation. What’s happening in the book when Holden says this? Where is he? How does his location and recent actions help you to understand this quote?
  • What are the “certain things” that Holden is talking about here?  What “things” might Holden wish he could stick in “big glass cases”? Make a list.
  • What does Holden think is the advantage of sticking things in “big glass cases and just leav[ing] them alone”?  (Why does he think this a good idea—try to expand upon your answer here with examples.)
  • Are there any disadvantages that come with sticking things in “glass cases”?  What are these disadvantages?  Why do you think Holden doesn’t recognize these disadvantages right now?
6. Begin reading Chapter 17 if time allows

HW:  Vocab quiz on weeks 13, 14, 15

Monday, March 27, 2017

Catcher 3.1

Catcher 3.1

DO NOW:  Reading Quiz.  When done, please read your ORB silently.

LEARNING TARGET: I will understand that Allie’s death is still affecting Holden, even though he doesn’t say so.

LOOK FORS: I will know that I have hit the learning target when:
  • I can find quotations that imply or suggest something about Holden’s feelings about Allie’s death.
  • I can make an inference about the quotation that explicitly (directly) states my ideas.
  1. DO NOW: Reading quiz
  2. VOCAB CHECK- weeks 13, 14, 15
  3. Literature Circle (6 minutes)
  4. Group discussion:
    • Choose roles for today: Fearless leader, timekeeper, secretary  
      • Journal Prompt: Allie (15 minutes):
      • Find a quotation from chapters 1-14 that helps you make an inference about how Allie's death has affected Holden. Remember that we need to read between the lines because Holden is an unreliable narrator. Work together to write a quotation sandwich.
      • If you finish one quotation sandwich, please repeat the process by finding a new quotation on the same topic. Continue working until the time is up.
4. Begin reading Chapter 15 if time allows

HW:  Please read chapters 15-16; complete assigned role for the “Lit Circle” according to the schedule. Vocab quiz on THURSDAY.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Catcher 2.4

Catcher 2.4
DO NOW:  Please take a copy of the reading quiz and begin working silently.  When done, please read Catcher in the Rye silently.

LEARNING TARGET: I will understand that Holden’s actions and words don’t always match his feelings.

LOOK FORS: I will know that I have hit the learning target when:
I can identify the difference between Holden’s feelings and actions.
I can give Holden advice.

  1. DO NOW: Reading quiz (10min) – read silently when done
  2. Lit Circle
  3. Group discussion:
Choose roles for today
Journal Prompt: Advice about Jane:
  • How does Holden FEEL about Jane? How do you know?
  • How does Holden ACT toward Jane? Do his actions match his feelings?
  • Give Holden some advice about his relationship with Jane. Think of as many tips as you can.
3. Begin reading Chapter 13 if time allows

HW: Please read chapters 13-14; complete assigned role for the “Lit Circle” according to the schedule.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Catcher 2.3

Catcher 2.3

DO NOW:  Take the reading quiz in socrative. When done, please read Catcher in the Rye silently.

LEARNING TARGET: I will understand Holden’s struggles with adolescence.

LOOK FORS: I will know that I have hit the learning target when:
  • I can relate some of Holden’s actions and behaviors with our notes on adolescent development.
  • I can identify which areas of Holden’s behavior seems developmentally appropriate, and which ones are not.
  • I can make an inference about Holden’s development.

  1. DO NOW: Reading quiz (10 min) – read silently when done
  2. Lit Circle
  3. Group discussion
    • Finish quotes/explanation
    • Choose roles for today
    • Adolescence: What evidence do we have that shows that Holden is in the adolescent stage of development?
      • Cognitive development:
        • Reasoning (thinking about thinking; spotting problems with the thinking of adults/society)
        • Morality (right vs. wrong; controlling impulses)
      • Social development:
        • Identity (who am I? who do I want to be?)
        • Intimacy (close relationships w/ peers)
        • Autonomy from parents
  4. Summarizer: self-evaluation
  5. Begin reading Chapter 11 if time allows

HW: Please read chapters 11-12; complete assigned role for the “Lit Circle” according to the schedule.