Monday, October 31, 2016

LOTF 1.1

LOTF 1.1

Do now: In your opinion, what makes civilization civilized?

  • identify literary devices
  • explore the Lord of the Flies unit essential question:“What is Evil? “
  • Explore plot of LOTF through personal writing

  1. Do now
  2. Hand out packets- put your name on them!
  3. Notes: define LOTF literary terms
  4. Vote with your feet! Activity
  5. Crash on Island freewrite
  6. Summarizer

HW: Finish the “Crash on Island” questions in packet

Friday, October 28, 2016

Ms. Santiago is out

Classes are cancelled today, Friday, October 28th.

ALL 9 CLASSES: I will collect vignettes on Monday-- don't forget to put the final draft in your google drive student folder and have your hard copies of your rough draft to hand in in class.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

HOMS 5.3

HOMS 5.3
Do Now: What would you like your peer editor to focus on in your vignette?


  • give useful feedback for revision;
  • use feedback to make good revision choices
1. Do Now
2. (Pink/Orange)Vocab #5
3. (Pink/Orange) ORB- 15 minutes
2. Peer Edit Vignettes: complete the “Vignette Peer Edit” handout for your partner
3. Revise Vignette
4. Summarizer: What is one area you need to focus on for your vignette?

HW: Revise Vignette- final draft due FRIDAY

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

HOMS 5.2

HOMS 5.2
Do Now: In 2-3 sentences, describe a tree using a scary, ominous mood (socrative)

  • explain the effect of figurative language & imagery
  • select a good writing topic

1. Do Now
1b. (PURPLE) Vocab #6
2. Mood words handout: highlight THREE mood words you could use to describe your experience
3. Conference with Ms. Santiago
4. 5. Senses handout: complete for the 5 senses
6. Draft Vignette

HW: rough draft of vignette due THURSDAY

Monday, October 24, 2016

HOMS 5.1

HOMS 5.1

Do now: Share your homework freewrite with a partner (5 minutes).

  • explain the effect of figurative language & imagery
  • select a good writing topic
1. Do Now
2. Freewrite: In notability, please write (4-5 sentences): Suppose you woke up one morning to find that (everyone had disappeared, there was no electricity, telephones stopped working, the world had run out of gasoline, the Earth had left its orbit, etc.) Write an account for future generations of what life is like with this sudden change.
3. Read samples of vignettes
4. Review Vignette assignment
5. Complete the graphic organizer in the “Vignette Graphic Organizer” PDF for ONE experience
6. Summarizer: What does it mean to show and not tell in descriptive writing?

HW: TWO GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS: 1) Plot graphic orgnanizer (on Notability), 2) Complete the character chart for the “characters” in your vignette.  Draft two sentences for each character- one sentence describing them physically, one sentence describing their personality

Friday, October 21, 2016


HOMS 5.4
Do now: Put desks into rows

  • Demonstrate understanding of the major themes of HOMS
  • Draft an analysis paragraph

  1. Do now
  2. In-class paragraph
  3. Summarizer

HW: Brainstorm one time in your life in which you were faced with obstacles and managed to overcome them. Write 3-5 sentences about this.

Thursday, October 20, 2016


HOMS 5.3
DO NOW: Put desks into rows

  • Actively read an outside reading book (pink/orange only)
  • Define new vocabulary words (pink/orange only)

  1. Do now
  2. Vocab #5
  3. ORB
  4. PURPLE ONLY: work on fairy tales
  5. Summarizer

HW: we will have the in-class analysis paragraph assessment.  Be sure to bring in your prompt with the thesis statement and 3 quotes written on it.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016


HOMS 5.2
Do now: Share your thesis statement with a partner

  • Utilize the brainstorming process to prepare for analytical writing
  • Actively read an outside reading book (purple only)
  • Define new vocabulary words (purple only)

  1. Do now
  3. PURPLE ONLY: Vocab #5
  4. Check thesis statements
  5. Find 3 quotes that support your thesis statement
  6. Summarizer

HW: Identify 3 quotes that support your thesis statement.  Handwrite them on the prompt sheet

Monday, October 17, 2016


HOMS 5.1
Do now: Write 3-5 sentences that answer this question: Why do you think Cisneros depicts so many women in Esperanza’s neighborhood as struggling?  (Consider: how does Esperanza respond to all these struggles?)

  • Use the 6 habits of successful readers to identify Cisneros’ use of literary devices to unpack meaning
  • Work collaboratively to identify Cisneros’ depictions of gender
  • Draft a thesis statement answering a specific prompt

  1. Do now
  2. Charts: Finish gender and role model chart
  3. Introduce the analysis paragraph assignment
  4. Begin to draft thesis statements- check with Ms. Santiago
  5. Fairy Tale extra credit!
  6. Summarizer

HW: Finish finding quotes on chart and draft a thesis statement for the analysis paragraph prompt

Friday, October 14, 2016

HOMS 4.4

DO NOW: Describe your dream home in 5-8 sentences.  Where would it be?  What would it look like?  What rooms would it have?  Other amenities?

  • Use the 6 habits of successful readers to identify Cisneros’ use of literary devices to unpack meaning
  • Work collaboratively to identify Cisneros’ depictions of gender
  • Utilize the drafting process for personal writing

  1. Do now
  2. 6 habits: annotate assigned vignette 4 times
  3. Chart: Continue to work on the Gender Roles chart
  4. Summarizer

HW: PINK: annotate "The Three Sisters" ORANGE: Finish annotation packet PURPLE: Find quotes for the rest of the FIRST chart (the last one is for "The Monkey Garden")

Thursday, October 13, 2016

HOMS 4.3

Do now: Re-read “The Monkey Garden.” Identify one quote from that vignette which demonstrates Esperanza as she comes of age.

  • Use the 6 habits of successful readers to identify Cisneros’ use of literary devices to unpack meaning
  • Work collaboratively to identify Cisneros’ depictions of gender

  1. Do now
  2. PINK/ORANGE ONLY: Vocab #4
  4. 6 habits: complete 4 annotates for the assigned vignette
  5. In pairs: complete the gender charts and answer the focus questions
  6. Summarizer

HW: Read HOMS 8 and complete #8 questions

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

HOMS 4.2

Do now: Do your parents give you rules?  Do you have a curfew? Is there a limit to your use of technology?  Television viewing? Etc.? How do you feel about these rules? Why do parents make rules for their children? When can rules affect children negatively?

  • Use the 6 habits of successful readers to identify Cisneros’ use of literary devices to unpack meaning
  • Identify similes in “Sally”
  • Use the writing process to create personal writing

  1. Do now
  4. 6 habits- annotate “Sally” 4 times
  5. Using a highlighter, identify all the SIMILES used in “Sally”
  6. Group discussion: why does Esperanza admire Sally?  Why do other people dislike Sally?
  7. Personal writing: When have you ever failed at something? What happened as a result?
  8. Summarizer

HW: Read HOMS 7 and complete the #7 reading questions

Thursday, October 6, 2016

HOMS 3.3

HOMS 3.3
DO NOW: study vocab for 5 minutes

  • Demonstrate mastery of vocabulary words
  • Utilize the drafting process for creative writing

  1. Do now
  2. Vocab quiz
  4. Creative writing
  5. Summarizer

HW: Reading assignment #6 and answer the study questions (document “#6 questions” in notability) for TUESDAY OCTOBER 11, 2016

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

HOMS 3.2

HOMS 3.2
DO NOW: Esperanza describes the “Four Skinny Trees” as “four who do not belong here but are here. How does this description reflect her own sense of herself? Write a description in your neighborhood that reflects your feelings about yourself.

  • Use the 6 habits of successful readers to identify Cisneros’ use of literary devices to unpack meaning
  • Identify the main ideas of HOMS
  • Use the writing process to create personal writing

1.Do now (10 minutes)
  2. PURPLE: study vocab for 10 minutes
2. 6 Habits: take today’s vignette from folder
  1. Annotate the vignette using the Six Habits of Successful Readers. Annotate a minimum of four times, and include at least one inference.  
  2. Answer the follow-up question (you may use the back of the paper).
3. Desk groups: review study guide questions (homework check)
4. Class: discuss readings thus far
5. Creative writing prompt: Write about a time you experienced or learned something for the first time. It could be when you first rode a bike or learned a new game. It could have been your first day of school, your first train or plane ride, or your first trip to an amusement park. First experiences are special for some reason. They may be funny, scary, or exciting.
6. Summarizer


Monday, October 3, 2016

Ms. Santiago is out MONDAY OCTOBER 3rd

All classes: Read assignment #5 and answer the study questions (document “#5 questions” in notability) TUESDAY (WEDNESDAY FOR ORANGE ONLY). Study for vocab quiz on THURSDAY