Monday, October 17, 2016


HOMS 5.1
Do now: Write 3-5 sentences that answer this question: Why do you think Cisneros depicts so many women in Esperanza’s neighborhood as struggling?  (Consider: how does Esperanza respond to all these struggles?)

  • Use the 6 habits of successful readers to identify Cisneros’ use of literary devices to unpack meaning
  • Work collaboratively to identify Cisneros’ depictions of gender
  • Draft a thesis statement answering a specific prompt

  1. Do now
  2. Charts: Finish gender and role model chart
  3. Introduce the analysis paragraph assignment
  4. Begin to draft thesis statements- check with Ms. Santiago
  5. Fairy Tale extra credit!
  6. Summarizer

HW: Finish finding quotes on chart and draft a thesis statement for the analysis paragraph prompt

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