Friday, May 5, 2017

Romeo and Juliet 1.4

Romeo and Juliet 1.4
Do Now: How old do you think someone should be to get married? How young is too young?  What do you think of Lord Capulet’s answer to Paris’s request? How would you feel if he were your father?

  • use appropriate reading strategies to understand Shakespeare

1. Do now
2. Discuss Scene 3:
A. Who is the Nurse? What is her job?
B. Who is Susan?
C. What is Lady Capulet's opinion of Juliet marrying Paris?
D. What does Lady Capulet compare Paris to? (explain the metaphor)
3. Read Scene 4
3. Film versions
4. Summarizer

HW: Queen Mab worksheet (9cp Queen Mab assignment in Romeo and Juliet folder in Google Drive)

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