Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Romeo and Juliet 2.2

Do now: 1) Get into your assigned group (on chalkboard)

LEARNING TARGET: I will be able to identify examples of dramatic irony and foreshadowing in 1.5

LOOK FORS: I will know that I have hit the learning target when:
  • I can identify and explain at least one example of dramatic irony
  • I can identify and explain at least one example of foreshadowing

1. do now
2. Acting! Each group is going to perform Act 1.5
  • Grab a paper script
  • Assign roles
  • Grab costumes
  • Practice- do a "table reading"
  • Go into the hallway and film it!
3. Class: Discuss Romeo and Juliet's exchange
4. Summarizer

HW: Until he sees Juliet, Romeo believes he is in love with Rosaline. She never appears in the play, so give her a voice. Write an entry in Rosaline's diary. How does she feel about Romeo's infatuation? What did she say as she kept him at a distance (as described in Act 1, scene 1), refusing his advances? And how does she feel when she hears he has fallen for Juliet? Remember, she is Juliet's cousin, so she's a Capulet too. (total: 5-8 sentences)

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