Thursday, March 23, 2017

Catcher 2.3

Catcher 2.3

DO NOW:  Take the reading quiz in socrative. When done, please read Catcher in the Rye silently.

LEARNING TARGET: I will understand Holden’s struggles with adolescence.

LOOK FORS: I will know that I have hit the learning target when:
  • I can relate some of Holden’s actions and behaviors with our notes on adolescent development.
  • I can identify which areas of Holden’s behavior seems developmentally appropriate, and which ones are not.
  • I can make an inference about Holden’s development.

  1. DO NOW: Reading quiz (10 min) – read silently when done
  2. Lit Circle
  3. Group discussion
    • Finish quotes/explanation
    • Choose roles for today
    • Adolescence: What evidence do we have that shows that Holden is in the adolescent stage of development?
      • Cognitive development:
        • Reasoning (thinking about thinking; spotting problems with the thinking of adults/society)
        • Morality (right vs. wrong; controlling impulses)
      • Social development:
        • Identity (who am I? who do I want to be?)
        • Intimacy (close relationships w/ peers)
        • Autonomy from parents
  4. Summarizer: self-evaluation
  5. Begin reading Chapter 11 if time allows

HW: Please read chapters 11-12; complete assigned role for the “Lit Circle” according to the schedule.

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