Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Catcher 3.2

Catcher 3.2
DO NOW:  Please take the reading quiz.  When done, please read Catcher in the Rye silently.

LEARNING TARGET: I will understand that Holden glass cases

LOOK FORS: I will know that I have hit the learning target when:
  • I can give an example

  1. DO NOW: Reading quiz
  2. Literature Circles (6 minutes)
  3. Group Discussion: assign roles
    1. Group discussion: Glass Cases: (15 minutes)
Holden says, “Certain things they should stay the way they are.  You ought to be able to stick them in one of those big glass cases and just leave them alone” (122).  Please consider this passage as you work together to answer the following:
  • Explain the context of the quotation. What’s happening in the book when Holden says this? Where is he? How does his location and recent actions help you to understand this quote?
  • What are the “certain things” that Holden is talking about here?  What “things” might Holden wish he could stick in “big glass cases”? Make a list.
  • What does Holden think is the advantage of sticking things in “big glass cases and just leav[ing] them alone”?  (Why does he think this a good idea—try to expand upon your answer here with examples.)
  • Are there any disadvantages that come with sticking things in “glass cases”?  What are these disadvantages?  Why do you think Holden doesn’t recognize these disadvantages right now?
6. Begin reading Chapter 17 if time allows

HW:  Vocab quiz on weeks 13, 14, 15

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