Friday, March 24, 2017

Catcher 2.4

Catcher 2.4
DO NOW:  Please take a copy of the reading quiz and begin working silently.  When done, please read Catcher in the Rye silently.

LEARNING TARGET: I will understand that Holden’s actions and words don’t always match his feelings.

LOOK FORS: I will know that I have hit the learning target when:
I can identify the difference between Holden’s feelings and actions.
I can give Holden advice.

  1. DO NOW: Reading quiz (10min) – read silently when done
  2. Lit Circle
  3. Group discussion:
Choose roles for today
Journal Prompt: Advice about Jane:
  • How does Holden FEEL about Jane? How do you know?
  • How does Holden ACT toward Jane? Do his actions match his feelings?
  • Give Holden some advice about his relationship with Jane. Think of as many tips as you can.
3. Begin reading Chapter 13 if time allows

HW: Please read chapters 13-14; complete assigned role for the “Lit Circle” according to the schedule.

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