Monday, March 27, 2017

Catcher 3.1

Catcher 3.1

DO NOW:  Reading Quiz.  When done, please read your ORB silently.

LEARNING TARGET: I will understand that Allie’s death is still affecting Holden, even though he doesn’t say so.

LOOK FORS: I will know that I have hit the learning target when:
  • I can find quotations that imply or suggest something about Holden’s feelings about Allie’s death.
  • I can make an inference about the quotation that explicitly (directly) states my ideas.
  1. DO NOW: Reading quiz
  2. VOCAB CHECK- weeks 13, 14, 15
  3. Literature Circle (6 minutes)
  4. Group discussion:
    • Choose roles for today: Fearless leader, timekeeper, secretary  
      • Journal Prompt: Allie (15 minutes):
      • Find a quotation from chapters 1-14 that helps you make an inference about how Allie's death has affected Holden. Remember that we need to read between the lines because Holden is an unreliable narrator. Work together to write a quotation sandwich.
      • If you finish one quotation sandwich, please repeat the process by finding a new quotation on the same topic. Continue working until the time is up.
4. Begin reading Chapter 15 if time allows

HW:  Please read chapters 15-16; complete assigned role for the “Lit Circle” according to the schedule. Vocab quiz on THURSDAY.

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