Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Summer Reading List

Entering sophomores taking English 10CP should read Early Autumn, a novel by Robert Parker. 

Students taking English 10H should read one novel from the list of global authors below. 

  • Khaled Hosseini: Kite Runner or And the Mountains Echoed 
  • Amy Tan: Joy Luck Club or Kitchen God's Wife 
  • Jhumpa Lahiri: Interpreter of Maladies or Unaccustomed Earth 
  • Julia Alvarez: In the Time of the Butterflies or How the Garcia Girls Lost their Accent 
  • Chimamanda Adichie: Americanah or The Purple Hibiscus 
  • Isabel Allende: House of the Spirits or Daughter of Fortune 
  • Marjane Satrapi: Persepolis

Thursday, June 1, 2017

End of the play!

Do now: do you think R&J's tragic end is a result of fate or a result of their own actions (freewill?) Write at least 5 sentences.


  • review the major plot points of Acts 4 and 5
  • understand the expectations of the RJ test

1. do now (10 minutes)
2. Film!
3. Test review sheet-- HERE
4. Summarizer


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Do Now: What was THE most important piece of plot information that we learned in Act 3 Scene 4?

1. do now
2. Table reading: Act 3 Scene 5
3. RJ Act 2 & 3 scavenger hunt
4. Film!
5. Summarizer

HW: Finish "RJ Act 2 & 3 scavenger hunt)

Monday, May 22, 2017

RJ 4.1

RJ 4.1

Do now: In Act 3 Scene 2, Juliet says: Gallop apace, you fiery-footed steeds,/Towards Phoebus' lodging: such a wagoner/As Phaethon would whip you to the west,/And bring in cloudy night immediately.”  Who is Phoebus?  What is the image she is painting here? Draw it! (on a piece of paper)

  • Understand the plot points of Act 3 scenes 2 and 3

  1. Do now
  2. In pairs, answer the questions for Act 3 scene 2
  3. Individually answer the writing prompt for Act 3 scene 2
  4. In pairs, read Act 3 scene 3
  5. In pairs, answer the questions for Act 3 scene 3
  6. Individually answer the writing prompt for Act 3 scene 3
  7. Summarizer

HW: Read Act 3 Scene 4

Friday, May 19, 2017


Do now: Get into the assigned groups


  • translate Shakespeare into modern English
  • work collaboratively to perform the translated scene

1. do now
2. As a group, translate Act 3 Scene 1 into Modern English.  Shorten each part so the scene is no longer than 3 minutes long
3. Highlight speaking parts 
4. Practice performance (including sword fights!)
5. Film performance
6. Upload film to youtube and share with Ms. Santiago
7. Summarizer

HW: Read Act 3 Scene 2

Monday, May 15, 2017

Romeo and Juliet 3.1

Romeo and Juliet 3.1

Do Now: answer the Act 2 scene 3 study questions (individual or with a partner)

  • Identify major plot points of Act 2.3
  • Identify puns in Act 2.4

  1. Do now
  2. Listen to scenes 4-6
  3. Answer study guide questions for Act 2 scenes 4,5,6
  4. If time, watch film
  5. Summarizer

HW: Study!  Use the 9CP RJ 1&2 quiz review sheet to prepare for your Acts 1 and 2 quiz on THURSDAY.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Romeo and Juliet 2.4

Do now: Read the Act II prologue.  In 1 sentence, summarize what is being said.(in Socrative)


  • identify examples of light/dark, stars/moon, nature imagery and personification in the balcony scene
  • demonstrate understanding of Shakespeare's language through modern translation


1. Do now
2. Preview: watch balcony scene
3. Read Act 2 scene 2
4. But Soft! Activity
6. Summarizer

HW: Read Act 2.3

Thursday, May 11, 2017

RJ 2.3

Do now: Do you think Romeo is truly in love with Juliet?  Can someone be in "true love" with someone after only talking for a few minutes?

1. do now
2. Film- watch the classic version
3. Act 1 scavenger hunt
4. Act 2.1- read aloud
5. Summarizer

HW: Finish reading Act 2.1

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Romeo and Juliet 2.2

Do now: 1) Get into your assigned group (on chalkboard)

LEARNING TARGET: I will be able to identify examples of dramatic irony and foreshadowing in 1.5

LOOK FORS: I will know that I have hit the learning target when:
  • I can identify and explain at least one example of dramatic irony
  • I can identify and explain at least one example of foreshadowing

1. do now
2. Acting! Each group is going to perform Act 1.5
  • Grab a paper script
  • Assign roles
  • Grab costumes
  • Practice- do a "table reading"
  • Go into the hallway and film it!
3. Class: Discuss Romeo and Juliet's exchange
4. Summarizer

HW: Until he sees Juliet, Romeo believes he is in love with Rosaline. She never appears in the play, so give her a voice. Write an entry in Rosaline's diary. How does she feel about Romeo's infatuation? What did she say as she kept him at a distance (as described in Act 1, scene 1), refusing his advances? And how does she feel when she hears he has fallen for Juliet? Remember, she is Juliet's cousin, so she's a Capulet too. (total: 5-8 sentences)

Friday, May 5, 2017

Romeo and Juliet 1.4

Romeo and Juliet 1.4
Do Now: How old do you think someone should be to get married? How young is too young?  What do you think of Lord Capulet’s answer to Paris’s request? How would you feel if he were your father?

  • use appropriate reading strategies to understand Shakespeare

1. Do now
2. Discuss Scene 3:
A. Who is the Nurse? What is her job?
B. Who is Susan?
C. What is Lady Capulet's opinion of Juliet marrying Paris?
D. What does Lady Capulet compare Paris to? (explain the metaphor)
3. Read Scene 4
3. Film versions
4. Summarizer

HW: Queen Mab worksheet (9cp Queen Mab assignment in Romeo and Juliet folder in Google Drive)

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Romeo and Juliet 1.3

Romeo and Juliet 1.3
Do Now: Have you ever felt obligated to fight/argue with someone out of loyalty to a friend or family member?  How did it feel, or how do you imagine it would feel?

  • use appropriate reading strategies to understand Shakespeare

1. do now
2. Finish scene 1- acting!
3. What is your opinion of Romeo?
4. Read 1.2- acting!

HW: Finish reading 1.3

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Romeo and Juliet 1.2

Romeo and Juliet 1.2
Do Now: A pun is a joke exploiting the different possible meanings of a word or the fact that there are words that sound alike but have different meanings.  With a partner, write a short skit playing on hair and hare; or here and heir; or bear, beer, and bare.

  • use appropriate reading strategies to understand Shakespeare
  • define and identify use of puns

1. Do now
3. Read Scene I (fight scene)- acting!
4. Watch the film of the fight scene

HW: Insults!

Monday, May 1, 2017

Romeo and Juliet 1.1

Romeo and Juliet 1.1

Do now: what is one thing you learned about Shakespeare?

  • define essential drama terms
  • become comfortable with shakespeare’s language
  • Analyze how the prologue provides exposition and foreshadowing

Essential questions:
What decisions do Romeo and Juliet make that lead to their fate?  Which parts of their fate are out of their control?

How do the themes (fate and chance, passion and reason, individual and group, etc.) of the play relate to our own lives?

1. do now
2. define drama terms
3. Prologue activity
4. summarizer

HW: reflection: how comfortable were you reading the prologue?  Was it difficult to understand?  Why/why not?

Friday, April 14, 2017

Catcher Essay 3

DO NOW: In Socrative, please list the three body paragraph topics.

LEARNING TARGET: I will be able to write good topic sentences.

LOOK FORS: I will know that I have hit the learning target when:
  • I know what my organizational method is.
  • I know what my glue words are.
  • I know how each group of quotes supports my thesis statement.

  1. DO NOW
  2. Review organizational methods, problems & solutions-- what goes in a body paragraph?
  3. Review Essay Process Step 6: Topic Sentences
  4. Outline self-evaluation checklist
  5. Summarizer: Check look-fors

HW: Revise your outline: revise your thesis statement, supporting details, and topic sentences as needed.  Draft THE FIRST BODY PARAGRAPH FOR MONDAY, APRIL 24th.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Catcher Essay 2

DO NOW: Please open “Catcher Essay." Read the directions and materials for steps 4-6.

LEARNING TARGET: I will be able to complete my essay outline.

LOOK FORS: I will know that I have hit the learning target when:
  • I understand steps 4-6
  • I know how to use the materials in the packet to complete my outline.

  1. DO NOW
  2. Discuss steps 4-6:
    • 4: Gathering details
    • 5: Organizing details into supporting ideas
    • 6: Writing topic sentences
  1. Outline working time/Teacher writing conference time
  2. Summarizer

HW: Work on your outline: revise your thesis statement as needed; add supporting quotations until you have at least 10-12 in your list; then, organize your details into three groups of three.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Catcher Essay 1

DO NOW:  Please take a copy of the “Catcher Essay” packet and read through the first few pages.

LEARNING TARGET: I will have a strong start to my essay outline.

LOOK FORS: I will know that I have hit the learning target when:
  • I have chosen an essay topic that I am interested in and understand.
  • I have used the checklist to self-evaluate my thesis statement.
  • I know how to find good supporting details for my essay.

  1. DO NOW:
  2. Activator: Review essay process - what are the 11 steps?
  3. “Catcher Essay” - Review and discuss steps 1-4
  4. Student working time:
    • Step 2: Choose your topic
    • Create a new document in Google Drive called “Catcher Essay”
    • Step 3: Write your thesis statement
    • Get your thesis statement approved by Ms. Santiago (via email!)
    • Begin Step 4: collect supporting evidence

  5. Summarizer: check look-fors

HW: Create a document in Drive called “Catcher Essay.” In your essay document, type your name and your thesis statement.

Monday, April 10, 2017


Do now: Review the definition of "motif"


  • identify the meaning of various motifs in the novel

1. do now
2. Motif groups!
3. Teams report out
4. Summaizer

HW: Pick an essential question to focus on for the essay

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Chapters 25-26
DO NOW:  please re-read pages 211-214

LEARNING TARGET: I will understand Holden’s central conflict, and I will be able to decide whether is has been resolved.

LOOK FORS: I will know that I have hit the learning target when:
  • I can identify Holden’s central conflict.
  • I can think of at least three examples of Holden struggling with this conflict throughout the book.
  • I can use evidence from the book to decide whether Holden’s conflict has been resolved.

  1. DO NOW
  2. Group Discussions
    1. Lit Circle
    2. Prompt for 25-26: Resolution:
      1. What is Holden's central conflict in the novel?
      2. By the end of the novel, do you think Holden has resolved his conflict? Consider the quotation: “The thing with kids is, if they want to grab for the gold ring, you have to let them do it, and not say anything.  If they fall off, they fall off, but it’s bad if you say anything to them” (Salinger 211).
  3. Download “Catcher in the Rye Reflection”

HW:  Please complete “Catcher in the Rye Reflection” in Google Drive

Monday, April 3, 2017

Catcher Chapters 20-24

Catcher Chapters 20-24

DO NOW:  Take the reading quiz in socrative

LEARNING TARGET: I will understand that the Mr. Antolini scene is ambiguous.

LOOK FORS: I will know that I have hit the learning target when:
  • I can give some evidence from the book that Mr. A is doing something inappropriate.
  • I can give some evidence from the book that Holden has misinterpreted the situation.
  • I can explain why this situation is so upsetting for Holden, regardless of Mr. A’s intentions.

  1. DO NOW - Reading quiz on 23-24. When done, please read silently
  2. Lit circles
  3. Group Discussions
    1. Select roles
    2. Prompt for 23-24: Mr. Antolini: The scene with Mr. Antolini is ambiguous, and often confusing for students. Is Mr. A doing something inappropriate? Or, has Holden misinterpreted the situation? Come up with evidence (quotes) and an argument for both sides.
  4. Summarizer: self-evaluation

HW:  Please read chapters 25-26 (to the end!) & complete your assigned lit circle responsibility